

Happy New Year!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

When tragedy strikes

Everything came to a stop this week when a couple of weather systems collided and a heavy snowstorm settled over our heads. After two days, more than twenty inches of snow was deposited. My mood remained upbeat because we didn't lose power. It'd have been another story had it been otherwise, that's for sure.

As the snow fell, I decided to use my time indoors to devote to a new fairy image, Valentine Gift.

I painted peacefully until the news of the devastating earthquake in Chile brought everything to a stop again. What a helpless feeling comes over us when we hear of yet another horrible event in the world. Trying to go on with our normal activities seems almost disrespectful. I hesitated to continue my little picture. Why try to paint something pretty?  Then, I remembered a quote of Renoir: " Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world".

 So, here is Valentine Gift at early and final stages ( unless a look later in the week prompts me to go into it again)

Tommy & Friend

Tommy & Friend







Bouquet Fairy

Bouquet Fairy

Woodland Fairy

Woodland Fairy

Rose Fairy

Rose Fairy

Mermaid & Seahorse

Mermaid & Seahorse

Among Friends

Among Friends

Pegasus Fairy

Pegasus Fairy

Noon Fairy

Noon Fairy

Hydrangea Fairy

Hydrangea Fairy

My Studio

My Studio
In Neater Days

Daffodil Hill

Daffodil Hill
This time last year

20+ plus Inches

20+ plus Inches

Valentine Gift 1

Valentine Gift 1

Valentine Gift 2

Valentine Gift 2

Enchanting Elves

Enchanting Elves